
what’s happening

Paperback Commentaries!


It has been a slow process, proofing and editing my “verse by verse” commentary series, but that process is well underway and, Lord willing, by the end of May I will have every completed book available for purchase in paperback form. With the update comes a redesigned spiritual bookstore page, featuring three categories to navigate: Old Testament Studies, New Testament Studies, and Topical Studies.

Unfortunately, the paperback books cannot be sold at the bare minimum of $0.99. The Kindle versions will remain at that price, but the paperbacks, being 500-800 pages long, will have to be priced accordingly. Expect them to range between $15-20 a book.

So far, I have every book of the New Testament finished, as well the Old Testament books from Isaiah through the Minor Prophets. Later this year I hope to finish Jeremiah and Lamentations, and then next year complete the Psalms.

I still have many more years to go until every book of the Bible is done. It will probably be 2031 or so before it’s all finished, but that is my goal.

…I dunno what I’ll do when I’m done with it.

Matthew MartinCommentaries