
what’s happening

Commentaries on Jeremiah and Lamentations are done!


A year of work has finally yielded good fruit in the form of a two-volume commentary on Jeremiah and Lamentations. I tried to shrink and condense the text as much as possible to fit into a single 800p volume, but there was no way to do so without making the font so small it would be nigh-unreadable.

Thus, volume one comprises the first thirty-one chapters of Jeremiah. Volume two finishes the book (ch32-52) and contains the whole of the Lamentations commentary.

There is some great material here, in my opinion, and I very much enjoyed digging into the text.

What’s next? Psalms! That will take me most of 2023, after which I will dive into Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, and Song of Solomon to complete the “Wisdom Literature” set. Lord willing, I’ll be done with those early in 2024, after which I will go back to the beginning and start Genesis. All told, I hope to be finished with the entire Bible Commentary series in 2028 or so. I have no idea what I will do then. Probably, I’ll go back and redo some of the earlier commentaries.

But that’s me getting six years ahead of myself.

Until then, you can find links to purchase the Jeremiah/Lamentations books in the bookstore. The paperbacks are priced reasonably, based on printing costs. The kindle versions are $0.99 as always, since I’m not allowed to make them free.

Merry Christmas to all.

Here’s to 2023, to Psalms, and to a handful of secular novels I have planned.

Matthew MartinJeremiah