
what’s happening

DISHONORED: THE WAR OF THE SAKURA (book one) is finished!


As noted previously, this is just part one of three within the larger DISHONORED anthology. The first book is done and clocked in at about 50k words and 300 pages of text and art. That’s for a 5x8 paperback and puts me on pace for about a 700p 6x9 hardback of the whole trilogy. But that’s not until the coming Spring.

In the meantime I need to recover as I’m battling Covid.

Sorry for the lack of posts lately.

The paperback version of book one in this mini-series will be up sometime tomorrow, Lord willing.

I’ll begin work on book two and may finish it before the new year. I also am continuing to plug away on my Ezekiel commentary. Hopefully that will be done by Christmas as well.

But, as I say, right now I must mend.

Matthew MartinDishonored