
what’s happening

FOR A BETTER YESTERDAY's first act is finished


As I’ve said already, the book is broken into three 13-chapter acts and though the end result will be a story that’s not told in a linear way, for my own sanity I’m writing it chronologically. So while I don’t yet know for sure where each of these thirteen chapters will eventually be found in the book, I do know I am now officially 1/3 of the way finished with it all.

Progress is going very well. I know there will be a ton of little changes to come when I do my second pass, after the first draft is done, but so far I am really enjoying it. This might be the most fun I’ve had writing a book since the second Chumpty Dumpty story. Every time I sit down to write I do so with anticipation for where the story will go next.

It is also much larger than I initially anticipated. I had not expected to cross the 45k word mark in the first act, but I did. My initial projections that the book would be between 90,000-100,000 words might need to be revised to something between 100k and 120k. I’m still on course to finish by mid-October or so, Lord willing.